

Classes Online

Do you have a tight schedule and want the convenience of doing your laptopSpanish class from home? No problem, we do live face-to-face lessons online using Zoom. There's no better way to learn than engaging personally with a first-rate teacher, and we do this effectively and conveniently online. Seeing each other’s faces and hearing each other’s voices works well, whether it's our p[rivate instruction or our super-small group classes.

In case you're not already familiar with Zoom, it's an easy-to-use program that lets you make voice/video "calls" (video conferencing) via the Internet, using your computer or tablet. This is something Zoomlike Apple's FaceTime video chat app but you can also do screen sharing, instant messaging and file sharing as part of your interaction. Tthe program and its online use are free. See

What equipment do I need?

You need a computer, web camera, microphone and speaker or headphones. Most laptops and tablets (such as an iPad) have these built-in, in which case you're all set. A quality learning experience depends in part on adequate screen size; the use of smartphones is not reqally a good alternative.

Do I need an Internet connection?

You will need a reasonably good Internet connection. A group call needs more bandwidth than a one-to-one call. If you have an Internet connection that is weak, chances are that you already know this from experience. A number of factors can affect the quality of your connection, beyond just your Internet Service Provider. If your connection is borderline, you may want to close other applications that use the Internet and reduce other Internet use on your network during the class.

Where to do my online class?

Try to pick a reasonably well lighted place where you won't disturb others or be disturbed yourself. It's best to sit at a table or desk with your device in a stand.